Theta Healing®

Theta Healing® is by far the most powerful, life enhancing healing modality available on our planet today.

With Theta Healing® we can quickly and simply locate and identify limiting beliefs, feelings, emotional patterns and blocks stored deep within your unconsciousness mind and re-programme them into positive, empowering ones.

This allows you to completely re-shape, re-write and re-create your life and your reality instantly.

It is our beliefs that create our reality, what we believe creates our reality. It really is that simple!

How does Theta Healing® work?Theta Healing works by allowing the brain to go into a deep Theta Brainwave allowing instant connection and communication to Source. The healing process is only witnessed by the practitioner, it is "Source" or the "Creator of all that is" that is performing the healing.

The Theta Brainwave allows you to reach a deep meditational state instantly and it is from this state that you can access all the information that you need. The Theta state is easily taught and is simple to learn.

Theta Healing® can help you release negative emotions that are not serving your highest purpose. Instantly resolving deep negative emotional issues is a truly amazing experience that will transform your life for the better. Deeply held negative emotions will cause you emotional and sometimes physical pain and by getting to the root core of the issue both these aspects are instantly resolved with remarkable effects.

If there are areas in your life where you are experiencing difficulty, blocks or even emotional or physical pain Theta Healing can help you, heal you and empower you, allowing you to be the person you want to be and experience the life you want to experience.

Anyone and everyone can benefit from this type of healing. We all have beliefs that are limiting or behaviours that are unwanted. Theta Healing® work can enable one to lead a life free from the limitations of pain, anxiety, stress, worthlessness, and fear.

• Symptoms of a chronic health problem can be improved or removed
• Fear of failure can be changed into a love of success
• A destructive attitude can be changed to a constructive and positive attitude
• A flu, cold, or other infection can be transformed to allow for quick recovery
• Resentments, grudges, and hatred can be removed, freeing up your energy
• DNA can be reprogrammed to facilitate health and happiness
• Addictions can be overcome while minimising or eliminating withdrawal
• Negative reactions to people who "push our buttons" can be changed
• Anxieties over important life events can be released

What does a session involve?During a Theta Healing® session, a client remains seated. Before we start, the client will be asked in what way they would like to improve their life and any issues they may want to work will be discussed. A simple kinesiology muscle test is used to locate the root causes of any negative/limiting beliefs that are preventing the client from aligning with their authentic selves and living a healthy and balanced life. After verbal permission is given for each issue to be healed. Theta Healing techniques are then used to change the underlying key programs and beliefs held in the subconscious, with the practitioner accessing the Theta brain-wave state. We then witness the healing for it to be accomplished. The changes made can then be confirmed using muscle testing.

After you have had a session of Theta Healing® you may feel as if 'things' are realigning in your being. You may notice a lightness and a shift in your energy. People report feelings of peace and harmony within themselves and with those around them.

How many sessions does it take?The number of sessions depends on each individual, only one may be needed or more. This journey is between the client and the Creator, the role of the Theta Healer is to give 100% to facilitate the client's own healing. Most people benefit greatly after a single session however when one realises how easy it is to change key beliefs, they often decide there are more areas in their life that they would like to work on.

When, where and how did Theta Healing® begin?

In 1995 Vianna Stibal a Nature Path, Massage Therapist, and Intuitive Reader discovered that the way she did Readings could do an instant healing. Vianna, a mother of three young children was diagnosed with cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed. Then she discovered that the simple technique she used in Readings could heal. Her leg was instantaneously healed. She added this healing knowledge to her sessions with clients and in the classes she was teaching. Curious to understand why the technique was working, Vianna solicited the help of a physicist and with an electroencephalograph discovered that the simple technique tapped Theta waves. Over many years it was discovered that the technique utilized a Theta and Gamma wave achieving an instant healing. Through thousands of clients she discovered not only an amazing way to connect with the creative energy that moves in all things, but that this energy could change instantly Beliefs and Feelings that are linked to sickness.

But of the most profound discovery was that the technique could be taught to others. Vianna, the founder of Theta Healing®, has taught this technique to thousand of people. She has trained others to teach some of her classes of Theta Healing® as well. This technique is one of the most amazing experiences of life. It’s no secret that emotions are linked with sickness, but Theta Healing® changes these emotional blocks.

To learn more about Vianna Stibal and the history of Theta Healing® please click here and you will be directed to Vianna’s Website:

Theta Healing® Basic DNA Course

The journey into the world of becoming a certified Theta Healing® practitioner begins here.
Learn how to release limiting beliefs, feelings and patterns, and replace them with empowering ones instantly and watch how instant healing transforms all areas of your life for the better now.
Theta Healing® Basic DNA is a 3-day course and lays the foundation for a positive and abundant way of living.

The Course curriculum:

  • The Theta Healing® Story
  • The 5 brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta & Gamma
  • The true power of your thoughts and language in your life
  • How to connect and communicate with Infinite Source
  • How to access all knowledge and wisdom
  • How to manifest everything we want into our lives
  • Remote viewing: how to look inside the human body for illness
  • How to identify and replace deep limiting beliefs, feelings and patterns
  • How to create positive feelings and beliefs within your life
  • How to release negative expressions of energy from your body
  • How to use Theta Healing® to positively enhance every aspect of your life
  • How to apply Theta Healing® to yourself and others
  • Learn how to create the life you want to live
  • Learn how to be the person you want to be
  • Learn how to read energy
  • Receive and learn the 12 strand DNA Youth & Vitality activation
The Theta Healing® Basic DNA course is 75 % hands on and includes the Theta Healing® Basic DNA Course Manual and Vianna Stibal's new book.

Investment: $ 455
A deposit of $155 will secure your place on the course. (It is advised to book in advance, as spaces fill quickly)
The balance of $300 is payable on the morning of the first day of the course (cash, cheque, CC)

Scholarships and payment facilities available upon request

For more information please e-mail

Theta Healing Advanced DNA Course

The journey into the world of Theta Healing continues.
This 3-day course teaches you Advanced Theta Healing Techniques and transforms you into becoming a much clearer channel accessing the 7th Plane quicker and with more ease. At this level we delve into and learn fast and effective methods and techniques that will enhance your own spiritual growth and help others more effectively.

The Pre-requisite for the Advanced DNA course is the Theta Healing Basic DNA course

The Course curriculum:

  • 7th Plane connection and grounding
  • Advanced Creation of Feelings, Feeling Work
  • Advanced Digging for Beliefs and Fears
  • The Life Enhancing Downloads
  • How to live without Negative Feelings
  • Releasing and Resolving the three R's: Rejection, Resentment, Regret
  • An in depth explanation of the 7 Planes of existence
  • Releasing negative vow’s, oath’s and commitments within the 7 planes of existence
  • Connecting to different planes through the 7th
  • Connecting with Plants and Crystals through the 7th Plane
  • Releasing Free Floating Memories (Memories stored in the subconscious whilst in a state of shock, trauma, unconsciousness or anaesthesia)
  • Healing the baby in the womb
  • Repairing the Broken Soul
  • Ancestral Readings
  • Clearing and belief work on Non-Organic Material – Furniture, Homes, Businesses, Land
  • Connecting to your higher self
  • Time bending
  • Remembering your future
The Theta Healing Advanced DNA course is 75 % hands on and includes the Theta Healing Advanced DNA Course Manual.

Investment: $ 455
A deposit of £155 will secure your place on the course. (It is advised to book in advance, as spaces fill quickly)
The balance of $300 is payable on the morning of the first day of the course.
Scholarships and payment facilities available upon request

Theta Healing® Manisfesting and Abundance Course - TBC

This 2-day course teaches you Advanced Theta Healing® Manifesting and Abundance Techniques. Discover your personal blocks, clear them and begin to retrain your mind allowing you to manifest with more ease.
The Theta Healing® Manifesting and Abundance Certified Practitioner course gives you the advanced tools and insight to help yourself and others manifest from the 7th Plane quicker and more effectively.
The Pre-requisite for the Manifesting and Abundance course is Theta Healing® Basic DNA course and the Theta Healing® Advanced DNA course.

The Course curriculum:

  • 7th Plane connection and grounding
  • Manifesting in Theta Healing
  • Decisions, decisions!
  • Blocks Explained
  • Removing your Blocks
  • Retraining the mind
  • Manifesting and Abundance Belief and Fear Work
  • Manifesting and Abundance Feeling Downloads
  • Abundance List
  • Home
  • Soul Mates
  • Money
  • Divine Timing
  • House, Rules, Object, Assignments
  • Daily Routines
The Theta Healing® Manifesting and Abundance course is 75 % hands on and includes the Theta Healing Manifesting and Abundance Course Manual.
Investment: £420
A deposit of $120 will secure your place on the course. (It is advised to book in advance, as spaces fill quickly)
The balance of $300 is payable on the morning of the first day of the course (cash, cheque, CC)
Scholarships and payment facilities also available upon request

Experience Theta Healing®

Appointments can be taken either in person or by telephone as the healing does not require physical contact.

Investment: $ 150/ hour
San Francisco, Bay area
Booking by phone (415) 231 9427
skype: seventh plane


"I've found Theta Healing pretty mind blowing. After that one little session, I've been experiencing a feeling of safety, security, love and connection with all that is. When I think about things I used to worry about, I experience well being, with the awareness that everything is being taken care of, so I have no need to worry. I have also found that I have so much more energy than before. I have spent most of my life using most of my energy worrying. This is such a great relief!! "

Sheree Niemax

Julie is like a mechanic for your mind. It's incredible! I feel like I've had the same old broken records playing in my mind all my life, and every time I go for a Theta healing session with Julie she is literally able to change them. I could see I was holding myself back in life with my own self defeating thoughts, but thought I would just have to live with it. So far I have had 3 sessions, and I feel like my life has changed in leaps and bounds for the better each time. And it works so fast and so tangibly, there is no doubting the positive effects it has. Literally one moment you have an afflictive thought pattern, the next it's gone! Julie is incredibly intuitive and has a real gift for healing. She is also a warm, lovely person and makes the healing a really fun experience. I would recommend anyone to see her who wants a happier life.

Madeleine, painter, London

I am new to theta healing but it had been brought to my attention on several occasions. I did not know what to expect but was open to whatever happened. Julie is very welcoming and calm and before we started explained in a very accessible way what we both should expect from the healing. The process was relaxing and fascinating, many shifts occurred throughout the work and the energy transfer was tangible. At the end of the session I felt relaxed and calm and above all, clear. I would have no hesitation in working with Julie again myself and I would recommend her strongly.

Alex Buxton, illustrator

Intuitive Healing

The body records any experiences we ever had. Each cell is like a micro hard-drive, creating experiences and registering feelings and emotions. The body needs to release the negative emotions and traumatic memories in order to be able to function to its fullest potential. I work intuitively on the physical and subtle bodies, combining my knowledge of various techniques and personal guidance to help aligning people with Source energy, their true essence and clearing any blocks that would stop them from fulfilling their life purpose. I also use what is known as vocal healing, which I developed intuitively. I use my voice to produce specific frequencies, which accelerates the healing process: the body is being attuned, just like an instrument, in order to produce harmony. During a session, I am now combining the Theta Healing work with intuitive body work and vocal healing to bring people into the maximum state of alignment.  I will also offer intuitive personal guidance if the person is willing to receive it. 

Investment: $ 150/ hour
San Francisco, Bay area
Booking by phone (415) 231 9427
0r e-mail

Holistic healing

Since the body is a manifestation of human energy, dis-harmony in the energy field will cause dis -ease in the body. If the human energy field is out of balance, the body will be out of balance.


San Francisco, Bay area
Cel phone (415) 231 9427
skype: seventh plane